What can I do for you?
Let me do the thinking. In other words: Ask the right questions. And then: Find the way. New ideas are brought to life! How I love that!
- Book Concepts
- Creative Solutions
- Communications Concepts
- Project Ideas
- Conference Planning
- Change Strategy
I’ll write for you. First, I need to know who you are, what your goals are, and what the text should achieve. Then, it’s off to work! Until you say, «Yes, that’s it!».
- Articles
- Books
- Letters
- Brochures
- Interviews
- Mailings
- Portraits
- Speeches
- Reports
- Text Editing
- Websites
Connecting thought, script and speech: for you, with you, or on your behalf. Wonderful! You’ll receive my all: Experience, Knowledge and Passion.
- Coaching
- Seminars
- Manager’s Training
- Leading Discussions
- Live-Interviews
- Moderation
- Q&A
- Workshops
We’ll work together: on your idea, on your text, on your speech, or your presentation. Learn to use the instrument of reaching your intended goal. And I’ll show you how to write a text that can be spoken eloquently. One-on-One.
Speaking and presenting competencies, self-marketing, text workshops and working toward your intended goal is the central theme of my seminars. Still don’t see a theme that interests you ? We’ll create a new offer! For your team, or target audience. In German, French, English and Italian.
You have something important to say. You want to convince with your message. We’ll work on your speech, prepare an interview or a panel discussion. One-on-one coaching. Flexible time and place. In English, Deutsch, Français, Italiano.
Who I am, what I do.

My instrument is the word. My element is conversation and my talent: to ask questions. That’s how I became a journalist, writer, moderator, communications consultant, trainer and author. I speak fluent German, French, English and Italian. I love the opera and the lake, Paris and Poschiavo, excellent encounters, to meet at eye level, and confidence.
Who do I work for?
My customers are individual persons, companies, institutions, foundations, and higher education centres.